Okay, for seminary last year I got to read over this talk to pick a power phrase and fell in love with it! It is amazing! (The Moral Force of Women" by D. Todd Christofferson) (See more about "General Conference")
Now, I am not one of those people who say "Women Rule!" "Men are stupid and Women are in a class much higher than men." etc. NO-WAY! I believe that we need to have both men AND women to do just about anything in this life! REALLY! Think about it! How much do men give to the world? How much do women? We give equally but have different talents and responsibilities, neither of which is greater because a woman does it or a man. They are equal.
I think of it (more or less) like this: For example, the men might be represented by a hammer. Women can be represented by wood. Or visa versa-whichever floats the boat. It all depends on how you look at it. And a task can be represented by a nail. Now tell me, if you are trying to put a nail in, which is more importance-the hammer? or the wood?
It is rather hard to put in the nail with just a hammer if you have nothing to hold it in place. And it does no good to have a piece of wood and a nail if there is no hammer to put it where it needs to go!
So, that is my little...parable. Makes sense, doesn't it? (You are more than welcome to comment if you see a problem about it that I overlooked, or something).
Anyway, back to the original talk, I love how he talks about our DIVINE NATURE as women, how our gifts and talents can change the world, how we have a MISSION in life-and not just in this life, but in our pre-mortal life and in the life to come.
(Here is another cool video, but I couldn't attach it, so hopefully the link works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9tv_3kNv6k)
I love it when he says: "Women bring with them into the world a certain virtue, a divine gift that makes them adept at instilling such qualities as faith, courage, empathy, and refinement in relationships and in cultures." I think that as both women and men we should strive to develop in ourselves and help others have those same attributes, in all that we say, do and think.
It's really hard to do. I catch myself many times speaking to a sibling in a way that I know I'll regret later, or even when I am with my friends! I am almost always wondering if I said something that offended someone, or I wonder what someone thinks of me now that I said or did something. And most importantly, if the Savior had been there, would I have doe it?
Many times I am very much impatient. Sometimes I do not have the courage to do what is right until it is too late, and I sometimes have a hard time trying to understand people's feelings and situations. But I try. I am trying really hard to think before I speak and to just Choose The Right no matter what and to to see others as the Savior would see them. And when I do those things, at least do my best to do them I am able to feel closer to the Savior and have His Spirit's guidance and strength with me more-and boy do I need that!
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