Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Marmie

When I was little my mom and I read "Little Women" together and we would snuggle as we would watch  a movie of the same title on special nights.  One of my favorite parts of that story is how the little women call their mother "Marmie."  To me it was such a different, respectful title, yet one that told of a closeness that could be shared my no one else but mother and daughters.One that told of the daughters loving and trusting their mother so completely.  I took up calling my mom that and it is still such a special title to me so many years later.  (I am also reading "Little Women" with my little sister,  who loves it).

Today is My Marmie's birthday.  It is so hard for me to write about her because she means so much to me and we have a relationship that really cannot be told in words.  I appreciate her so much. Her righteous example, her listening ear, her thoughtful ideas or solutions, and her always trying to do better today than she did the day before.  She has such a strong testimony  and a relationship with Heavenly Father that I think is very rare.  She is a peacemaker.  She is a support to me, as well as to the rest of my family.  She is quick to apologize, and quick to forgive. She loves me with such a strong love, a completely unselfish love.

When I was little I would get migraines every month, that were some of the worst things I have ever gone through.  I couldn't take care of myself at all and would lie in bed for days feeling so sick I could not open my eyes.  Yet, these are some of my favorite memories, because my Marmie would come and read to me, hold me, sing to me, whisper encouragement in my ear, help my dad know when I needed a priesthood blessing, wake up in the middle of the night when I needed her, feed me, and just be there with me almost the entire time.  Her care of me is something I don't think I will ever forget.

I have been home-schooled my entire life and love learning with a passion!  Much of that love of learning comes from my mom reading with me, and doing projects and so forth throughout my childhood, whether it was about Abraham Lincoln, Thanksgiving, or the piano. I am so thankful to her for deciding to be a stay-at-home-mom.  I don't think my relationship with her would be anywhere near as strong if she had of gone to work and sent us off to school all day.  I have been able to spend so much quality time with her, learning from her, and diving into the scriptures so I could have a better relationship with the Savior.

I lost my first tooth when I was five and I remember that she was the one who was with me when that happened.  We were staying up late watching Paddington Bear and she was there to congratulate me.

She has been there to listen to my problems, as well as my victories.  Her life of faith is one I wish to always keep in mind as I go through my life so that perhaps I may emulate some of the qualities that she has and does exemplify.

I have learned to love art and music because my mom and dad have worked hard to make sure that there is a good variety of wonderful pieces to surround ourselves with, including theirs and my own, and they have helped me to develop my talents in all fields.

Because of my Marmie, I want to be Marmie, too-and a great one like she is.  Sometimes she makes mistakes, yes, and feels like she is inadequate.  But she is enough, and beyond.  She is the best Marmie I could have, and a lot better of a person than she sometimes thinks she is.

Thank you, Marmie, for your love and support! It is an honor and a blessing to be raised, loved and guided/encouraged by an angel!

I love you so much!

With Love,
Your Daughter,

"Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. . . . It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for." - Elder Neil L. Andersen #Mothers
One of my mom's (and mine) favorite quotes

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Meet The Mormons

Hey! I'm back!

This week for mutual we had the privilege of going to the theater to watch "Meet the Mormons," which is a brand new movie made by the LDS church; mostly so people who aren't LDS (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) can get to know us better, understand what we believe, and that we are people just like everyone else.

(PS Nepal is really pretty! I've never really taken time to look at it at all, but it is really pretty!
PS again-I loved all of them, but one of my favorite parts was the Candy Bomber (the older guy on the second line in the picture) and I am really excited to learn more about him!)

You can watch the trailer for the movie here:

Learn more about the movie here:

I loved the movie! It was great! To me it is extra special. I was able to kind of get to know myself a little bit better, not just because the people in the movie are LDS like me, but because I was able to get a greater glimpse of what our Heavenly Father has given us:  The talents we have, the place and position we are born/put into, the people around us-none are merely coincidental, or because Heavenly Father loves one of us more or less than others.  He knows what we can handle and what we can give to each situation we are faced with, and what we can learn from them.  I was able to gain a stronger testimony of the reality and the love of our Heavenly Father and His great plan for us. We are just "normal" people with opportunities to do and be what we were born to do and be. It helped me see how much I have the power of really doing, the power to change and uplift.

I know that we each have so much to give, do, add to the world around us, so much good to bring forth. In Seminary this week we were talking about Doctrine and Covenants 6. The verses that stood out to me were 7-8:

"Seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich.

 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be unto you; and if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation."

I just love those verses, especially verse 8.  I want to always have righteous desires and the strength to do what the Lord wants me to-ALWAYS-so that I may be known to Him as one who does/did much good.  I don't so much care if the world remembers me, but I would like to be known to my Heavenly Father that way; His Virtuous Daughter that He can rely on.

What do you want to be known for?