I am very grateful for the gift of the Savior because with Him, I can fulfill my fondest dreams. I can begin again. I can build something with my life that will be the best thing I can build. I can receive hope. I can receive divine help, happiness, comfort, strength, direction, and love.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
The Greatest Gift of All #sharethegift
He gives me more of the Greatest Gifts anyone can ever receive.
(PS If you want to know more about the Savior click here.)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Friends and Packets of Light
I have always loved this quote by Elder Richard G. Scott.
"They can become stalwart friends that are not limited by geography or calendar. They are always available when needed. Their use provides a foundation of truth that can be awakened by the Holy Ghost. Learning, pondering, searching, and memorizing scriptures is like filling a filing cabinet with friends, values, and truths that can be called upon anytime, anywhere in the world.
"Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change....
"Pondering a scripture...gives great direction to life. The scriptures can form a foundation of support. They can provide an incredibly large resource of willing friends who can help us. A memorized scripture becomes an enduring friend that is not weakened with the passage of time.
Pondering a passage of scripture can be a key to unlock revelation and the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Scriptures can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope, and a restoration of confidence in one’s ability to overcome the challenges of life. They have potent power to heal emotional challenges when there is faith in the Savior. They can accelerate physical healing.
"Scriptures can communicate different meanings at different times in our life, according to our needs. A scripture that we may have read many times can take on nuances of meaning that are refreshing and insightful when we face a new challenge in life."
I love the scriptures and the direction and comfort they can give. I love the people spoken of in the scriptures and their examples that I can learn from. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that the Bible is true as long as it is translated correctly. I know that the scriptures come in other forms as well: Hymns, Personal Blessings such as Patriarchal or Father's Blessings, General Conference, and many others. The scriptures have given me inspiration and comfort many times. I am very grateful for them!
Friday, November 21, 2014
At One
I just want to bear my testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that it is real. I know it works. I know that by repenting, which includes forsaking sins/wrongs/mistakes (whatever you want to call them) and turning to the Savior, and doing your best to follow and be like him, you can receive forgiveness and peace and joy. My experience has been thus every time I have done something wrong and taken the steps to become clean and worthy and forgiven, no matter how hard it sometimes may be. It can take courage, but you have that courage, or at least can find it-and it is worth it!
Since I was a young child I have learned that the 5 steps of Repentance are:
1. Recognize-realize that you have done wrong
2. Remorse-feel bad about doing it
3. Remit-Hand it to the Savior (use the Atonement)
4. Restitution-Do all you can to fix it/make up for it
5. Revoke-Never do it again
It works! Often each of those steps have steps inside of them, but it works. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and want us to return home to them, be worthy to meet them. I know that we each have an important work to do both in this mortal life and in the eternities. Be ready! Be clean! Be prepared! Be worthy to accomplish it! I know that if you seek, you will find. I have been able to find many times. I use the Atonement in my daily life and it blesses me so much helping me to feel good enough about myself to be able to progress and serve. I want to worthy to have the Savior by be always, my best friend. I want to have a relationship thus:
"I was now grown familiar with the Lord Jesus Christ, he would oft tell me he loved me, I did not doubt to believe him; If I went abroad he went with me, when I returned bee came home with me. I talked with him upon the way, he lay down with me and usually I did awake with him. Now I could go into any company and not loose him: and so sweet was his love to me as I desired nothing but him in heaven or earth." (Robert C. Winthrop, "Christian Experience," 117)
Oh, how wonderful that would be!
I want to remain worthy in all that I think, say and do. Do you? What are you willing to do for it?
Since I was a young child I have learned that the 5 steps of Repentance are:
1. Recognize-realize that you have done wrong
2. Remorse-feel bad about doing it
3. Remit-Hand it to the Savior (use the Atonement)
4. Restitution-Do all you can to fix it/make up for it
5. Revoke-Never do it again
It works! Often each of those steps have steps inside of them, but it works. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and want us to return home to them, be worthy to meet them. I know that we each have an important work to do both in this mortal life and in the eternities. Be ready! Be clean! Be prepared! Be worthy to accomplish it! I know that if you seek, you will find. I have been able to find many times. I use the Atonement in my daily life and it blesses me so much helping me to feel good enough about myself to be able to progress and serve. I want to worthy to have the Savior by be always, my best friend. I want to have a relationship thus:
"I was now grown familiar with the Lord Jesus Christ, he would oft tell me he loved me, I did not doubt to believe him; If I went abroad he went with me, when I returned bee came home with me. I talked with him upon the way, he lay down with me and usually I did awake with him. Now I could go into any company and not loose him: and so sweet was his love to me as I desired nothing but him in heaven or earth." (Robert C. Winthrop, "Christian Experience," 117)
Oh, how wonderful that would be!
I want to remain worthy in all that I think, say and do. Do you? What are you willing to do for it?
Oh! That reminds me. The other day when I was at the temple, I was doing baptisms for the dead and I noticed that my finger was bleeding. But by the time that this came to my attention, I had already accidentally wiped my finger against my white (pure white!) outfit. Ooops! I just hoped that it would come out when it was washed later. I went ahead and was baptized for some of my ancestors and when I came back and was changing my clothes, I noticed that the streak of blood was gone from out of my clothing! Thankfully! I've thought about this experience many times since and the scripture that to me goes perfectly with this is Isaiah 1:18-
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
I know that once we truly repent of all we have done wrong, that the Lord forgives and forgets. We get "a clean slate" or "clean clothes." A Clean Soul. Many times I do all the steps to repent, but then I dwell on the past mistakes and do not completely forgive myself. This is often the hardest part of fixing a mistake, and I am still working on many things that I have this problem with. But because I know that I am forgiven by the Lord, I am able to move forward, more happily than not and with a more firm determination to serve and follow Him always.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
My Marmie
When I was little my mom and I read "Little Women" together and we would snuggle as we would watch a movie of the same title on special nights. One of my favorite parts of that story is how the little women call their mother "Marmie." To me it was such a different, respectful title, yet one that told of a closeness that could be shared my no one else but mother and daughters.One that told of the daughters loving and trusting their mother so completely. I took up calling my mom that and it is still such a special title to me so many years later. (I am also reading "Little Women" with my little sister, who loves it).
Today is My Marmie's birthday. It is so hard for me to write about her because she means so much to me and we have a relationship that really cannot be told in words. I appreciate her so much. Her righteous example, her listening ear, her thoughtful ideas or solutions, and her always trying to do better today than she did the day before. She has such a strong testimony and a relationship with Heavenly Father that I think is very rare. She is a peacemaker. She is a support to me, as well as to the rest of my family. She is quick to apologize, and quick to forgive. She loves me with such a strong love, a completely unselfish love.
When I was little I would get migraines every month, that were some of the worst things I have ever gone through. I couldn't take care of myself at all and would lie in bed for days feeling so sick I could not open my eyes. Yet, these are some of my favorite memories, because my Marmie would come and read to me, hold me, sing to me, whisper encouragement in my ear, help my dad know when I needed a priesthood blessing, wake up in the middle of the night when I needed her, feed me, and just be there with me almost the entire time. Her care of me is something I don't think I will ever forget.
I have been home-schooled my entire life and love learning with a passion! Much of that love of learning comes from my mom reading with me, and doing projects and so forth throughout my childhood, whether it was about Abraham Lincoln, Thanksgiving, or the piano. I am so thankful to her for deciding to be a stay-at-home-mom. I don't think my relationship with her would be anywhere near as strong if she had of gone to work and sent us off to school all day. I have been able to spend so much quality time with her, learning from her, and diving into the scriptures so I could have a better relationship with the Savior.
I lost my first tooth when I was five and I remember that she was the one who was with me when that happened. We were staying up late watching Paddington Bear and she was there to congratulate me.
She has been there to listen to my problems, as well as my victories. Her life of faith is one I wish to always keep in mind as I go through my life so that perhaps I may emulate some of the qualities that she has and does exemplify.
I have learned to love art and music because my mom and dad have worked hard to make sure that there is a good variety of wonderful pieces to surround ourselves with, including theirs and my own, and they have helped me to develop my talents in all fields.
Because of my Marmie, I want to be Marmie, too-and a great one like she is. Sometimes she makes mistakes, yes, and feels like she is inadequate. But she is enough, and beyond. She is the best Marmie I could have, and a lot better of a person than she sometimes thinks she is.
Thank you, Marmie, for your love and support! It is an honor and a blessing to be raised, loved and guided/encouraged by an angel!
I love you so much!
With Love,
Your Daughter,
Today is My Marmie's birthday. It is so hard for me to write about her because she means so much to me and we have a relationship that really cannot be told in words. I appreciate her so much. Her righteous example, her listening ear, her thoughtful ideas or solutions, and her always trying to do better today than she did the day before. She has such a strong testimony and a relationship with Heavenly Father that I think is very rare. She is a peacemaker. She is a support to me, as well as to the rest of my family. She is quick to apologize, and quick to forgive. She loves me with such a strong love, a completely unselfish love.
When I was little I would get migraines every month, that were some of the worst things I have ever gone through. I couldn't take care of myself at all and would lie in bed for days feeling so sick I could not open my eyes. Yet, these are some of my favorite memories, because my Marmie would come and read to me, hold me, sing to me, whisper encouragement in my ear, help my dad know when I needed a priesthood blessing, wake up in the middle of the night when I needed her, feed me, and just be there with me almost the entire time. Her care of me is something I don't think I will ever forget.
I have been home-schooled my entire life and love learning with a passion! Much of that love of learning comes from my mom reading with me, and doing projects and so forth throughout my childhood, whether it was about Abraham Lincoln, Thanksgiving, or the piano. I am so thankful to her for deciding to be a stay-at-home-mom. I don't think my relationship with her would be anywhere near as strong if she had of gone to work and sent us off to school all day. I have been able to spend so much quality time with her, learning from her, and diving into the scriptures so I could have a better relationship with the Savior.
I lost my first tooth when I was five and I remember that she was the one who was with me when that happened. We were staying up late watching Paddington Bear and she was there to congratulate me.
She has been there to listen to my problems, as well as my victories. Her life of faith is one I wish to always keep in mind as I go through my life so that perhaps I may emulate some of the qualities that she has and does exemplify.
I have learned to love art and music because my mom and dad have worked hard to make sure that there is a good variety of wonderful pieces to surround ourselves with, including theirs and my own, and they have helped me to develop my talents in all fields.
Because of my Marmie, I want to be Marmie, too-and a great one like she is. Sometimes she makes mistakes, yes, and feels like she is inadequate. But she is enough, and beyond. She is the best Marmie I could have, and a lot better of a person than she sometimes thinks she is.
Thank you, Marmie, for your love and support! It is an honor and a blessing to be raised, loved and guided/encouraged by an angel!
I love you so much!
With Love,
Your Daughter,
One of my mom's (and mine) favorite quotes
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Meet The Mormons
Hey! I'm back!
This week for mutual we had the privilege of going to the theater to watch "Meet the Mormons," which is a brand new movie made by the LDS church; mostly so people who aren't LDS (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) can get to know us better, understand what we believe, and that we are people just like everyone else.
I loved the movie! It was great! To me it is extra special. I was able to kind of get to know myself a little bit better, not just because the people in the movie are LDS like me, but because I was able to get a greater glimpse of what our Heavenly Father has given us: The talents we have, the place and position we are born/put into, the people around us-none are merely coincidental, or because Heavenly Father loves one of us more or less than others. He knows what we can handle and what we can give to each situation we are faced with, and what we can learn from them. I was able to gain a stronger testimony of the reality and the love of our Heavenly Father and His great plan for us. We are just "normal" people with opportunities to do and be what we were born to do and be. It helped me see how much I have the power of really doing, the power to change and uplift.
I know that we each have so much to give, do, add to the world around us, so much good to bring forth. In Seminary this week we were talking about Doctrine and Covenants 6. The verses that stood out to me were 7-8:
"Seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be unto you; and if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation."
I just love those verses, especially verse 8. I want to always have righteous desires and the strength to do what the Lord wants me to-ALWAYS-so that I may be known to Him as one who does/did much good. I don't so much care if the world remembers me, but I would like to be known to my Heavenly Father that way; His Virtuous Daughter that He can rely on.
What do you want to be known for?
This week for mutual we had the privilege of going to the theater to watch "Meet the Mormons," which is a brand new movie made by the LDS church; mostly so people who aren't LDS (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) can get to know us better, understand what we believe, and that we are people just like everyone else.
(PS Nepal is really pretty! I've never really taken time to look at it at all, but it is really pretty!
PS again-I loved all of them, but one of my favorite parts was the Candy Bomber (the older guy on the second line in the picture) and I am really excited to learn more about him!)
You can watch the trailer for the movie here:
Learn more about the movie here: meetthemormons.com
I loved the movie! It was great! To me it is extra special. I was able to kind of get to know myself a little bit better, not just because the people in the movie are LDS like me, but because I was able to get a greater glimpse of what our Heavenly Father has given us: The talents we have, the place and position we are born/put into, the people around us-none are merely coincidental, or because Heavenly Father loves one of us more or less than others. He knows what we can handle and what we can give to each situation we are faced with, and what we can learn from them. I was able to gain a stronger testimony of the reality and the love of our Heavenly Father and His great plan for us. We are just "normal" people with opportunities to do and be what we were born to do and be. It helped me see how much I have the power of really doing, the power to change and uplift.
I know that we each have so much to give, do, add to the world around us, so much good to bring forth. In Seminary this week we were talking about Doctrine and Covenants 6. The verses that stood out to me were 7-8:
"Seek not for riches but for wisdom, and behold, the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you, and then shall you be made rich. Behold, he that hath eternal life is rich.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be unto you; and if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation."
I just love those verses, especially verse 8. I want to always have righteous desires and the strength to do what the Lord wants me to-ALWAYS-so that I may be known to Him as one who does/did much good. I don't so much care if the world remembers me, but I would like to be known to my Heavenly Father that way; His Virtuous Daughter that He can rely on.
What do you want to be known for?
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Feelin' the Spirit
Sorry it's been a while...
Update about the service challenge: it is really interesting that the Sunday after I gave the challenge, I received the same challenge in church meetings! I don't remember any specific experiences I had with the challenge, but I did my best to serve everyone I could, to lighten their loads, to cheer them up. It was a good experience, and I am trying to continue it and to be as optimistic as possible. It has been super hard sometimes, but I am REALLY TRYING to put others needs before my own and to find ways to help others AND myself to be happy. How did the challenge go with you?
This week we have had a LOT of rain. Ahhhh....! I LOVE the rain. And besides, it is always fun when you are trying to do a service project out in the middle of a field when there are huge bolts of lighting flashing and thunder shaking the ground, don't you think? At least we finished the project before it started to rain. Oh, it was cold...but more than that, it was beautiful. I REALLY LOVE RAIN. A LOT.
Oh, I had another fun experience this week. I was driving along and the car ran out of gas. Thankfully I just passed through an intersection to a place where there was a good shoulder to the side of the road and I had just enough gas to pull the vehicle over there. Instead of being stressed that I was going to be late and instead of just being grumpy that I had run out of gas, I really tried to think of things to be grateful for. I'm glad I wasn't racing down a freeway in rush hour traffic and had to try to go across multiple lanes to pull over, and I'm glad that there was a gas station just around the corner. AND I'm thankful that I had my dad with me to go get the gas for me! :-)
Okay, lately I have been thinking about something that happened at Girls Camp. As you may have gathered, I am not necessarily the type of person who loves a lot of modern music or dances. I am usually really cautious about what I listen to. At one point some girls were putting together a "flash mob" for some of the girls to do. It was to a song about part of the Book of Mormon, when Nephi and his brothers are commanded by the Lord to go back after leaving Jerusalem, so that they can get a record of their family. The man that currently had it in his possession was a man that is high in power and generally would be known as a rather powerful, scary guy. Why would you want to go back? The record was important because it had scriptures contained in it as well as their genealogy and other precious words. But beyond that, the LORD HAD ASKED-no, He had COMMANDED that they go get them.
Nephi had three older brothers, their names were Laman and Lemuel and Sam; Laman and Lemuel DID NOT WANT TO GO. That was not their idea of a great vacation. And basically they said, "Who cares what the Lord says?" and they did not trust Him. But after some convincing they finally went back.
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(Painting by Minerva Teichert) |
So, yeah, great story, right? Right. But, the song that everyone thought was cool and that they were dancing to was all about how Laman and Lemuel did not want to go. Yes, Nephi is heard in the song trying to help them want to go, but that was not even the part they had the girls dance to. It was a rebellious type of song to me because of their focus on just certain parts.
This flash mob was not something I felt comfortable with. You might think I am crazy or something, but that is the way I feel. Everyone else was standing there having a blast. I was uneasy. "But, it is a song about the scriptures! I will see how it goes. I will make someone feel bad if I walk away, or if I don't go. I don't know if I can explain how I feel to someone if they ask me why I don't go or I walk away. So, am I really feeling something important if I can't explain it? Is it just me being overly....something? I might not be friends with someone anymore. I will be an outcast. I will make people feel bad that they are there. I'm not doing those really suggestive moves some of the other girls are. If I don't do it, I am alright. Do I dance to other songs that are similar? Do I listen to songs that are similar? Why? What is the difference? How does it make me feel? I can just kind of stand here and watch. I won't be walking away and hurting anyone's feelings, but I won't be doing anything that makes me feel uncomfortable, right?" These were thoughts that went through my mind as I walked down to the rendezvous point and as the song began. I stood there, sometimes doing some of the moves, sometimes just watching. On top of my buzzing mind that wasn't seeming to get answers the sun was glaring onto my sunburns and making me feel worse.
"What are you going to do?" I asked myself. "Make your decision. One that you will not regret. One that will not make you sit and think later, 'that other choice would probably have been much better.' The best one. Is your decision going to have lasting effects? How are you going to be seen by yourself, by others, and most of all, by your Heavenly Father? Hurry up! You are running out of time! The song will be over before you know it."
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All of this was rushing through my head so quickly I hardly had time to process it.

Finally the thought came to me, " 'Have any doubts? Throw it out!' If I have to try to convince myself or the spirit that something is good or appropriate, it probably isn't! GET AWAY!" At this, I literally felt like someone physically pushed me away as hard as they could, and I stumbled ahead as I grasped my footing and gained speed, almost running away.
I came back to camp and sat down and talked with the adults for a while. I felt good, obviously, that I had left, but I felt almost ashamed that I had gone at all. Minutes later, the "party" was over. A friend passed by camp and saw me. "Hey! Why didn't you stick around for the practice?" She asked. "I didn't feel comfortable with it," I said. "It's just not me."

"Oh..." Was the reply.
I don't know if she ended up understanding me at all, but that is all right, because the most important relationship I will ever have is my relationship with the Lord.
And it's a lot better to be truly happy inside than to fit in.
One of my best book friends, is named "For the Strength of Youth." You may have met it before. ;-) In there it says,

Elder Neil L. Andersen (of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles) said in April, "You need the strength that comes from trusting the Lord's prophets." I agree.
Just like Nephi trusted that if he did all he could to obey the Lord and listen to the Spirit, the Lord would help him, so it is with us; not necessarily in going back to Jerusalem to get a record from an evil guy, but with whatever it is that the Lord has asked us to do. He will strengthen us. "Keeping covenants protects us, prepares us, and empowers us."(-Rosemary M. Wixom)
And just like I was asking myself about how this choice would affect my life, "Our everyday decisions will impact our lives in significant ways. A seemingly small decision...can have far reaching, even eternal, consequences." (-Elder Kevin S. Hamilton, Oct. 2013)
Now, I am not saying that the song was a bad song. I am not saying that the moves were bad. I am saying that it was something that I would have been uncomfortable doing if I was performing for the Savior.
The next morning during flag ceremony and opening excersizes was the time to perform. (Almost) all the girls who had been invited went up when the music began and danced. I was not wishing that I was up there with my friends. I was not hanging my head in shame that I wasn't participating. It was over in about a minute.
Would that minute have been worth losing the Spirit?
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Come off Conquerer
"The children of Father in Heaven can do AMAZING THINGS when they feel trusted. EVERY CHILD OF GOD in mortality CHOSE THE SAVIOR'S PLAN. Trust that given the opportunity, THEY WILL DO SO AGAIN."
-Elder Richard G. Scott
"As individuals, we are STRONG. Together with God, we are UNSTOPPABLE."
-Rosemary M. Wixom
When I was at a Leadership retreat recently there was an object lesson that had an impression on me. The speaker held up a picture of Jesus and had us youth stand up. We were in a semi circle around the room. She said for us each to think of and say something that would bring us individually to Christ. We came up with some answers such as dressing modestly, studying scriptures, praying, paying tithing, listening to good music, etc. With each one we took a step forward. After a few things we realized that we were all should to shoulder now and even a bit closer.
When we all do our best to Choose The Right, we come closer to each other, become unified. Just think, with our army being so strong, us being that close together, that close to the source of light and true power, the one who has conquered death and sin and infirmities and so forth we can do SO MUCH!
In Joseph Smith-History verse 20 it says, " It seems as though the adversary was aware, at a very early period of my life, that I was destined to prove a disturber and an annoyer of his kingdom; else why should the powers of darkness combine against me? Why the opposition and persecution that arose against me, almost in my infancy?"
That scripture has helped me so much during the past little while, knowing that the struggles and trials we go through are mostly because we have something great to do, an important mission to fulfill, are able make the Adversary's kingdom shake and make him weaker.
In Alma 48:17 and the next few verses it says that if all men had been, were and ever would be like Captain Moroni, Ammon, and others in the scriptures THE POWERS OF HELL WOULD BE SHAKEN FOREVER AND SATAN WOULD HAVE NO MORE POWER OVER THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN OF MEN. Whoa! That is our destiny! Or, at least part of it. And we are capable of doing that. We are more powerful than he is. We can come off conqueror (Doctrine and Covenants 10:5) It is really hard sometimes when all the darkness surrounds us, but remember, DON'T LET HIM WIN! Remember the light inside of you is stronger than his darkness. Darkness cannot exist when light is around. You are that light- if you stand with the Savior.
-Elder Richard G. Scott
"As individuals, we are STRONG. Together with God, we are UNSTOPPABLE."
-Rosemary M. Wixom
When I was at a Leadership retreat recently there was an object lesson that had an impression on me. The speaker held up a picture of Jesus and had us youth stand up. We were in a semi circle around the room. She said for us each to think of and say something that would bring us individually to Christ. We came up with some answers such as dressing modestly, studying scriptures, praying, paying tithing, listening to good music, etc. With each one we took a step forward. After a few things we realized that we were all should to shoulder now and even a bit closer.
When we all do our best to Choose The Right, we come closer to each other, become unified. Just think, with our army being so strong, us being that close together, that close to the source of light and true power, the one who has conquered death and sin and infirmities and so forth we can do SO MUCH!
In Joseph Smith-History verse 20 it says, " It seems as though the adversary was aware, at a very early period of my life, that I was destined to prove a disturber and an annoyer of his kingdom; else why should the powers of darkness combine against me? Why the opposition and persecution that arose against me, almost in my infancy?"
That scripture has helped me so much during the past little while, knowing that the struggles and trials we go through are mostly because we have something great to do, an important mission to fulfill, are able make the Adversary's kingdom shake and make him weaker.
In Alma 48:17 and the next few verses it says that if all men had been, were and ever would be like Captain Moroni, Ammon, and others in the scriptures THE POWERS OF HELL WOULD BE SHAKEN FOREVER AND SATAN WOULD HAVE NO MORE POWER OVER THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN OF MEN. Whoa! That is our destiny! Or, at least part of it. And we are capable of doing that. We are more powerful than he is. We can come off conqueror (Doctrine and Covenants 10:5) It is really hard sometimes when all the darkness surrounds us, but remember, DON'T LET HIM WIN! Remember the light inside of you is stronger than his darkness. Darkness cannot exist when light is around. You are that light- if you stand with the Savior.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Missed Opportunity
A couple of weeks ago at mutual I missed an opportunity to serve that I am always praying for, that I am always praying to be able to recognize and act on.
Now, "Your mission, everyone, should you decide to accept it, is to seek out those who need you and serve them, even though you might be afraid, or say that it won't make a difference. Serve them in every way you can. Take advantage of gifts you have been given and use them to bless others' lives. That is my challenge to you, and to myself for this week. Good Luck, Everyone."
There is a girl in another ward (or group of families/people in the church) who has a severe case of Arthritis and therefore doesn't run or do a lot of the things that the rest of us youth do. She is really a sweet, beautiful, amazing person, one of those kinds of people that will forever be in your heart, you will probably always be friends with. Anyway, we were having a big water activity and at one point as I was glancing around, I subconsciously saw her sitting there on a chair off to the side, smiling, but looking rather sad that she wasn't able to join us. As for me, I kept playing, not even really registering what I had seen. And it wasn't until the next day that all of a sudden it hit me. I felt SO bad.
hmmm....Good to remember...SO! Recently, another girl (who doesn't come very often, but is a WONDERFUL addition to our group when she does come), was off to the side of the room, by herself. Instantly I rushed over there to her and started talking with her. Before long I was having a pretty good conversation with her AND we had attracted another girl who came over and started to talk to us. Ahhh! Feels good.....
When I first moved to the ward I am in, I was instantly "attacked"--with love! The people in my ward instantly wanted to try to befriend me-and I think they succeeded. I am so grateful that they listened to the Spirit and acted upon what they were "told." If they hadn't done that I would feel so different about being here. I hope I can be that kind of a person more often...in fact, all the time!
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"Impressions that come from God will give us knowledge that we cannot get by any other means" (-"Learning with Our Hearts" BY ELDER WALTER F. GONZÁLEZ Oct. 2012) |
Now, "Your mission, everyone, should you decide to accept it, is to seek out those who need you and serve them, even though you might be afraid, or say that it won't make a difference. Serve them in every way you can. Take advantage of gifts you have been given and use them to bless others' lives. That is my challenge to you, and to myself for this week. Good Luck, Everyone."
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Some Gifts Found/Listed In The Scriptures
I was reading today in Moroni (I just flipped through my scriptures, stopping at some marked spots) and opened to chapter 10. I read a bit and noticed that for about 1/3 (one third) of the chapter, the VERY LAST CHAPTER IN THE BOOK OF MORMON, Moroni decides to talk about gifts. Hmmmm....
So, why did he think that that was important enough to put as basically his VERY LAST words to us?
The third to last verse, is the Youth Theme for this year: "Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness;" That is all that we mostly hear and say and talk about. But I love the whole verse, let alone the whole chapter. You should go and read it. Follow the link in this paragraph. :-)
So, in developing our gifts and talents and using them for good, we draw closer to Christ and bring others closer to him. "Come unto Christ" is our invitation. Gifts are like...the fuel to get us there.
In Moroni 10, there is a list of some gifts "of the Spirit" that we are given:
"And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them."
In Doctrine and Covenants 46 it says:
I was reading today in Moroni (I just flipped through my scriptures, stopping at some marked spots) and opened to chapter 10. I read a bit and noticed that for about 1/3 (one third) of the chapter, the VERY LAST CHAPTER IN THE BOOK OF MORMON, Moroni decides to talk about gifts. Hmmmm....
So, why did he think that that was important enough to put as basically his VERY LAST words to us?
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In case you can't read the little words it says: "There is a light in each of us. Share it. D&C 115:5") |
So, in developing our gifts and talents and using them for good, we draw closer to Christ and bring others closer to him. "Come unto Christ" is our invitation. Gifts are like...the fuel to get us there.
In Moroni 10, there is a list of some gifts "of the Spirit" that we are given:
"And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them."
- Teach the word of wisdom
- Teach the word of knowledge
- Exceedingly great faith
- Healing
- Work mighty miracles
- Prophesy concerning all things
- Beholding of angels and ministering spirits
- All kinds of tongues
In Doctrine and Covenants 46 it says:
- Know Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that he was crucified for the sins of the world
- Believe on their (above) words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful.
- Know the differences of administration, as it will be pleasing unto the same Lord, according to the Lord's will
- Know the diversities of operations, whether they be of God, that the manifestations of the Spirit may be given to every man to profit withal
- The word of wisdom
- The word of knowledge, that all may be taught to be wise and to have knowledge
- Faith to be healed
- Faith to heal
- Working of miracles
- To prophesy
- The discerning of spirits
- To speak with tongues
- The interpretation of tongues
"And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God....And ye must give thanks unto God in the Spirit for whatsoever blessing you are blessed with. and ye must practise virtue and holiness before me continually."
I found this video today that I thought was kind of neat. And the man has such talent!
I found this video today that I thought was kind of neat. And the man has such talent!
"Sculpting the prophet"
“For verily I say unto you, they are given for the benefit
of those who love me and keep all my commandments, and
him that seeketh so to do; that all may be benefited that seek
or that ask of me” (D&C 46:8–9; see also verse 26).
This is also an amazing story....
And this one...
These inspire me!
Now, just because I have listed some gifts and just because these videos are more on an "artistic" level, doesn't mean that those are all the gifts anyone can have, and that you have to be able to sing or play an instrument to BE SOMEBODY. I have a friend who, I think, can make anyone laugh at almost any moment. That is one of her gifts. My mother has the gift of being an amazing listener and being able to understand me more than almost anyone else. She is compassionate. Those are a couple of her gifts. My dad has a gift of being able to notice when there is a problem and stand for the right. My little brother has the gift of being able to make us laugh. Some have the gift of being curious and searching for knowledge of how things work, and what is the truth. Some are able to understand Shakespeare. Seeing the good in people and situations is s gift. Some can tell when someone needs a hug and can give it. Some have a "photographic" memory. Others can remember random facts. Patience is a gift (and one that can be learned!) Optimism is a gift. Some can concentrate/ when there is a lot of noise and distractions. Mormon is said to have been "quick to observe." That is a gift. There are many that we don't have a name for, but they are gifts nonetheless. Some people's gifts are being able to feel empathy for others. There are so many.
We are faced with trials where we discover gifts. We are born with certain gifts. We acquire others through hard work and practice. Others through study, trial and error. We have so many ways where we can make the most of a situation and rise above the crowd-or even above our own doubts and thoughts, or temptations or just about anything that puts us down. But we can conquer. It doesn't mean that we won't go through struggles. It doesn't mean we won't hurt, or that after a certain point we are just going to be fine, hunky dorey, it never happened, I'm over it; a lot of people expect that. It means that we can take the task/problem and learn from it and become better people, grateful for the little rays of light that seep into our dark abyss.
I saw this video a few years ago and thought it was amazing. (I didn't mean for it to be another piano video, but...).
“God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." (Pres. Spencer W. Kimball)
(For more about gifts: see here)
===============https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/morm/1?lang=enSaturday, July 5, 2014
Girls Camp
Hi! I'm back!
I was at Girls Camp this week, which was pretty cool! (If you want to know more about what Girls Camp is, click here.)
I was at Girls Camp this week, which was pretty cool! (If you want to know more about what Girls Camp is, click here.)
Here are a couple of photos that I took up at camp
Part of Girls Camp was talking about the women in the scriptures, particularly The Book of Mormon. (You can read it online here, learn more about it here, or request a completely free, no strings attached copy here). The fireside about the women was pretty amazing, talking in "first person" narrative about the women's lives. There was Abish (click here for more about her story), Sariah, and Nephi's wife and a Sister of a Stripling Warrior. I cried a bit during the one about the Sister of the Warrior.
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The Stripling Warriors |
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Stripling Warriors |
What I think I gained the most from camp was that I want to be a righteous woman (and mother, grandmother, etc. eventually) in Zion, one who lives by faith and uses her knowledge, gifts and testimony to strengthen others and bring them to Christ. I want to be a virtuous woman who lives with integrity and knows who she is and can make wise choices based on her knowledge of good and evil and who knows that she has divine nature. I don't think that the women in the scriptures (such as Rachel, Rebekah, Sarah, Ruth, Naomi and so many others) knew that they would be well known and respected and loved by so many people in so many nations. But they lived their lives in a clean, righteous, pure way and because they did it for God and no one else, many look up to them. I know I do, and I want to follow their example.
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"Farewell, My Stripling Warrior" by Del Parson, 1999 |
When I was on a hike at camp, I began going down a very steep hill and needed to watch my footing more than usual. As I focused on the ground I suddenly stopped short-there was a Sego Lily. Sego Lilies are one of my most favorite flowers, very rare, very unique, very beautiful, clean and white. They are so small, yet add so much to the world, at least to the little area they are in. Very often, I am sure they get completely missed and go unnoticed.
Sego Lily
Sego Lilies are very precious to me. Many times I think of people in relation to Sego Lilies because they are unique. They are Children of God. They are strong. They are beautiful inside and out and have much to give to the world no matter how small they are. Often they go unnoticed. But that doesn't mean that they are of any less worth-especially to Heavenly Father. (Remember that little sparrows and lilies and other little things do not go unnoticed and unprotected and blessed by Him: "And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" Matthew 6:28-30)
I know that Heavenly Father watches over us and protects us, provides for us, blesses us and loves us. I know He encourages us and strengthens us to do what is right. I know that we are all important and each have something amazing to give.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Sorry it has been a while since I wrote last!
I don't know if anyone else really has any problem with this or just me, but I am really picky about movies. I have really been trying hard to make sure that what I actually watch matches what I say I believe in, what my standards are. A few months ago I started to feel like (in my mind) I was almost LIVING in the movie.
I thought about movies almost all the time. I thought about words and phrases, both good and bad, and unfortunately the bad seemed to dominate my thoughts. The same with certain scenes, etc. Sometimes I seemed to lose feeling. I knew the movies were not good for me. Even if it was a "great movie," a "family classic," something I'm grown up watching, I began noticing and remembering little details that did not fit with the way I really truly believe in living my life, even if my family was fine with it, it wasn't fine for me.
I began to search out either REALLY REALLY good movies, or at least look for something to know if the movies I was already watching and thinking about were really bad, or if it was just my imagination. I looked in "For the Strength of Youth" under Entertainment and Media (I have never used For The Strength Of Youth so much in my life as I have this past year. It seems to apply to my life more and more) and I found this.
First off it lists the scripture which comes from The Articles of Faith:
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
I have been using this a lot lately because it really is an amazing outline for putting media in the proper place. If it teaches anything opposite to these principles as being all right, or even encouraging it! I do my best to not put it into my life at all!
Next, it says:
"The information and entertainment provided through these media can increase your ability to learn, communicate, and become a force for good in the world. However, some information and entertainment can lead you away from righteous living. Choose wisely when using media because whatever you read, listen to, or look at has an effect on you. Select only media that uplifts you." If it uplifts me and "invites and entices me to do good" (Moroni 7:13) then, I'd say it's pretty good.
Many times I have not had the courage to even tell myself, let alone others that I am not comfortable watching or listening to something. But, I've been really working hard on it and people around me actually respect the way I feel and do their best to make everyone in the group be content and keep the Spirit near.
"When we are tempted to do things we should not do, let us listen to the loving warning of trusted family and friends, our beloved prophet, and always the Savior."
(—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Are You Sleeping through the Restoration?")
I heard a quote once that said something like "The most important relationship you will ever have is your relationship with your Heavenly Father and the Savior." So, as important as it is to have good relationships with friends and family and even people you don't really know, the person you want to please the most and who will make you feel pleased the most with yourself is the Savior.
I don't know if anyone else really has any problem with this or just me, but I am really picky about movies. I have really been trying hard to make sure that what I actually watch matches what I say I believe in, what my standards are. A few months ago I started to feel like (in my mind) I was almost LIVING in the movie.
I thought about movies almost all the time. I thought about words and phrases, both good and bad, and unfortunately the bad seemed to dominate my thoughts. The same with certain scenes, etc. Sometimes I seemed to lose feeling. I knew the movies were not good for me. Even if it was a "great movie," a "family classic," something I'm grown up watching, I began noticing and remembering little details that did not fit with the way I really truly believe in living my life, even if my family was fine with it, it wasn't fine for me.
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from: here |
First off it lists the scripture which comes from The Articles of Faith:
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
I have been using this a lot lately because it really is an amazing outline for putting media in the proper place. If it teaches anything opposite to these principles as being all right, or even encouraging it! I do my best to not put it into my life at all!
Next, it says:
"The information and entertainment provided through these media can increase your ability to learn, communicate, and become a force for good in the world. However, some information and entertainment can lead you away from righteous living. Choose wisely when using media because whatever you read, listen to, or look at has an effect on you. Select only media that uplifts you." If it uplifts me and "invites and entices me to do good" (Moroni 7:13) then, I'd say it's pretty good.
Many times I have not had the courage to even tell myself, let alone others that I am not comfortable watching or listening to something. But, I've been really working hard on it and people around me actually respect the way I feel and do their best to make everyone in the group be content and keep the Spirit near.
"When we are tempted to do things we should not do, let us listen to the loving warning of trusted family and friends, our beloved prophet, and always the Savior."
(—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Are You Sleeping through the Restoration?")
I heard a quote once that said something like "The most important relationship you will ever have is your relationship with your Heavenly Father and the Savior." So, as important as it is to have good relationships with friends and family and even people you don't really know, the person you want to please the most and who will make you feel pleased the most with yourself is the Savior.
I know that as we do our best to live our lives according to the standards set forth by the Lord, we will find increasing joy, a firmer resolve, deeper self-confidence, better relationships, a clear conscience and the Spirit will be able to stay near.
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