Monday, June 23, 2014


Sorry it has been a while since I wrote last!

I don't know if anyone else really has any problem with this or just me, but I am really picky about movies.  I have really been trying hard to make sure that what I actually watch matches what I say I believe in, what my standards are.  A few months ago I started to feel like (in my mind) I was almost LIVING in the movie.
 I thought about movies almost all the time.  I thought about words and phrases, both good and bad, and unfortunately the bad seemed to dominate my thoughts.  The same with certain scenes, etc. Sometimes I seemed to lose feeling.  I knew the movies were not good for me.  Even if it was a "great movie," a "family classic," something I'm grown up watching, I began noticing and remembering little details that did not fit with the way I really truly believe in living my life, even if my family was fine with it, it wasn't fine for me.
from: here
I began to search out either REALLY REALLY good movies, or at least look for something to know if the movies I was already watching and thinking about were really bad, or if it was just my imagination.  I looked in "For the Strength of Youth" under Entertainment and Media (I have never used For The Strength Of Youth so much in my life as I have this past year.  It seems to apply to my life more and more) and I found this.

First off it lists the scripture which comes from The Articles of Faith:

"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

I have been using this a lot lately because it really is an amazing outline for putting media in the proper place.  If it teaches anything opposite to these principles as being all right, or even encouraging it! I do my best to not put it into my life at all!

Next, it says:

"The information and entertainment provided through these media can increase your ability to learn, communicate, and become a force for good in the world. However, some information and entertainment can lead you away from righteous living. Choose wisely when using media because whatever you read, listen to, or look at has an effect on you. Select only media that uplifts you." If it uplifts me and "invites and entices me to do good" (Moroni 7:13)  then, I'd say it's pretty good.

Many times I have not had the courage to even tell myself, let alone others that I am not comfortable watching or listening to something.  But, I've been really working hard on it and people around me actually respect the way I feel and do their best to make everyone in the group be content and keep the Spirit near.

"When we are tempted to do things we should not do, let us listen to the loving warning of trusted family and friends, our beloved prophet, and always the Savior."
(—Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Are You Sleeping through the Restoration?")

I heard a quote once that said something like "The most important relationship you will ever have is your relationship with your Heavenly Father and the Savior." So, as important as it is to have good relationships with friends and family and even people you don't really know, the person you want to please the most and who will make you feel pleased the most with yourself is the Savior.

I know that as we do our best to live our lives according to the standards set forth by the Lord, we will find increasing joy, a firmer resolve, deeper self-confidence, better relationships, a clear conscience and the Spirit will be able to stay near.

Delay in posts


I am rather busy right now, so sorry I have not been able to make any new posts for a while. I've got a few drafts I need to finish. :)  I am trying to get back to it!


Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I saw this video a few weeks ago and instantly connected with it.  Bullying occurs in SO MANY WAYS and it isn't even recognized as bullying half the time.  I know that even among some of my nearest and dearest friends there is a degree of bullying, sometimes, unfortunately and often unintentionally myself included. Sarcasm is a big part of it and low self-esteem is often a root of it.  We think that putting others down will raise us higher.  But it doesn't.  I feel very keenly the "victim end" of the bullying.  I have had many times when I have doubted my worth, and everything that anyone says seems to taunt me and say "see, I told you you aren't worth it." For anyone who has been on that end of (even unintentional) harsh words, I am very, very sorry and I want you to know that YOU ARE OF GREAT WORTH and you are LOVED! 

 Name calling is becoming ever more popular and focusing on weakness (or pretended weaknesses) or failures, etc is becoming ever more prevalent. Saying that such-and-such is a no-one, that they when they die no one will care, closing the door in peoples' faces metaphorically, emotionally, and even literally.  Friends are rarely valued anymore-or at least are rarely shown the respect and love that a true friend (and a Child of God!) needs and deserves.  Even the small "toss it quickly out there and see what happens" words can cut extremely deep, especially for someone who is already struggling, possibly with feelings of self-doubt or shaken faith, or feeling alone.  Language, both vocal (in front of people and behind their backs), suggested (such as body language) and even texted, blogged, facebooked, etc. should be UPLIFTING! That is what we have the ability to communicate for.  (Have you ever thought about why an animal can't talk and we can? We have the gift of speech! So, use it for good!)
(You can also find this video here.)

In the "Strength of Youth" pamphlet it says,

"Choose friends who use good language. Help others improve their language by your example. Be willing to politely walk away or change the subject when those around you use inappropriate language.
"Speak kindly and positively about others. Choose not to insult others or put them down, even in joking. Avoid gossip of any kind, and avoid speaking in anger. When you are tempted to say harsh or hurtful things, leave them unsaid...
"...Do not use profane, vulgar, or crude language or gestures, and do not tell jokes or stories about immoral actions...
"...How you communicate should reflect who you are as a son or daughter of God. Clean and intelligent language is evidence of a bright and wholesome mind. Good language that upliftsencourages, and compliments others invites the Spirit to be with you. Our words, like our deeds, should be filled with faithhope, and charity." ("Language"- For The Strength Of Youth) (Yes, I readjusted the order of a paragraph...)

I know that those I am around that I can have a clean, wholesome, uplifting conversation with are forever in my gratitude and I look up to them very much.  I hope that I can be that kind of a person for others and I am trying to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of EVERYONE around me and not just myself or those in my "circle of friends." I know that we will have much more confidence and help others's confidence grow stronger the more we try to uplift others in all we do and say (and ourselves!  often we are the ones we ridicule the most) we will find greater happiness, find good, strong friends and come closer to the Savior.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Okay, so while I was doing my last post, my dad came into the kitchen to make dinner and asked me to help. For a split second I almost just wanted to keep working on my blog, but decided that it would mean much more if I went to help-and cheerfully. And I am totally glad I did.  I got to talking with him about a bunch of stuff I was thinking of and had a good conversation with him about some things that matter in my life. I could feel that he cared about how I felt and why things were important to me.
(And on top of the great time I had, we had one of my favorite dinners-real mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken and veggies. Mmmmm.....My dad makes amazing food!)
He sure puts a lot of efforts into our family relationships, into his relationship with me. He strengthens me with his quality time and interest in what I think and feel.

Before the Rooster Crows

This morning my little brother and I were the only ones awake for quite a while. Everyone else was sleeping in, but I couldn't sleep any longer.  My little brother and I decided that we would go spend some time together outside in the early morning air.  But, it took a bit longer to get outside than we were originally thinking it would. Because of 2 different things my finger started bleeding and his toe started bleeding.  I was just going to ignore it for the most part, but before long he had the first aid kit out and was taking care of my finger, and I was taking care of his toe.  It is a sweet experience when a small person is doing first aid. Very sweet.

So eventually we got outside. And it was raining.  Only lightly. (I. love. the. rain!) We set out a thick quilt on the grass and listened as the rain came pelting gently down onto the tree (= our "giant" umbrella) above our heads and the birds argued back and forth or sang out love songs.  We read scriptures, looked at artwork (boy did his face light up when he found the same picture of Christ visiting the Americas in his scriptures and in a little quiet book) and talked about a bunch of miscellaneous stuff.  All of a sudden, little bro got up and walked over to another tree, telling me that he was looking at a nest and he wanted me to come see, too.  I really didn't feel like getting up.  But I did because it was important to him, and pretty cool to see.  It was a rather deep nest and rather far up in the tree so I suggested we get a ladder which he ended up "carrying" one end and I carried the rest.  "Turn...right...or...this way...whichever way this is."  You know, to follow a little guy around can be super fun. At least I think so. I just hope I can have the energy to keep it up!  The ladder didn't help much, but it gave him a view he didn't have before, which was just as exciting to him.

 So, I'm glad that I was able to spend a lot of time with my brother this morning, even though he might not remember it in a few months or years, I will remember it and know that I was doing my best to be a good big sister and find joy in the little things as he did.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


My Dad.  Is wonderful.  He really is.  He is my hero!  He has been through so much and stayed so happy through it all.  Yes, there are down days, but there is so much good that comes around, and so much happiness in my home because of my dad.  We don't always understand each other.  We don't always share each other's views. And sometimes we really get on each other's nerves. But, still, he's my hero! I remember him tipping me upside down, holding me and letting me "walk on the ceiling." When we'd play hide and seek he'd always have the best hiding places and put me on the top shelf in a closet, on the fridge, behind a curtain or some place totally ingenious.  He taught me how to ride a bike with just 2 wheels.  He helped me understand the violin, even though he doesn't play it.  He taught me how to play songs on the piano, put silly lyrics to tunes, and be a dictionary addict.  He was there when I got my Learners Permit-in fact, he's the one who started teaching me how to drive.  He's given me ideas for how to better my drawings and paintings, even though he thinks he can't draw, and even though I don't always think it will work.  But so much of the time, he's right.  My dad knows that God and Family are the 2 most important things in life and he does his best to uphold and protect them, and he does all he can to be able to spend the most quality time with us as much as possible.  He's made foods (that I LOVE) from his mission.  And talking about his mission, many times he thinks he's failed because only one person joined the church.  But, that makes me love him even more because I know he was faithful and did his very best and focused on "the one."  Who knows how many more lives he has touched for good?  My dad hasn't always been very "successful" in his "jobs" and many people think he's a failure as a man, husband, father and provider because of it. Many times he's been persecuted because he's followed the rules and done his best to do the very best he can. Many would say he should just go with the flow.  But my dad.  My dad.  My dad is brave.  My dad is obedient. My dad is kind.  My dad lives with INTEGRITY.  Yes, we have our problems.  My dad isn't "perfect." I'm not "perfect."  No one in this world is "perfect." But, my dad does his very best.  Elder Ballard has said "You cannot fail when you do your best on the Lord's errand."  I think this is a very true statement and my dad is living proof. To the world he may be a failure.  To the world he cpould be a weirdo. The world may never love my dad.  I may get frustrated with him, but deep inside, I LOVE MY DAD!  He's been there for so much of my life, not just for the big things, but for the little things, too.  He's my hero.  He's my dad. And I think, he's the best dad in the world.  He's the best dad I could ask for.


Love Your Daughter,

Friday, June 13, 2014

One of my favorite talks from October 2013 General Conference!!!!!!

Okay, for seminary last year I got to read over this talk to pick a power phrase and fell in love with it! It is amazing! (The Moral Force of Women" by D. Todd Christofferson) (See more about "General Conference")
 Now, I am not one of those people who say "Women Rule!" "Men are stupid and Women are in a class much higher than men." etc.  NO-WAY! I believe that we need to have both men AND women to do just about anything in this life! REALLY! Think about it! How much do men give to the world? How much do women?  We give equally but have different talents and responsibilities, neither of which is greater because a woman does it or a man. They are equal.  

I think of it (more or less) like this: For example, the men might be represented by a hammer.  Women can be represented by wood. Or visa versa-whichever floats the boat.  It all depends on how you look at it. And a task can be represented by a nail. Now tell me, if you are trying to put a nail in, which is more importance-the hammer? or the wood?
It is rather hard to put in the nail with just a hammer if you have nothing to hold it in place.  And it does no good to have a piece of wood and a nail if there is no hammer to put it where it needs to go!

So, that is my little...parable.  Makes sense, doesn't it? (You are more than welcome to comment if you see a problem about it that I overlooked, or something). 
Anyway, back to the original talk, I love how he talks about our DIVINE NATURE as women, how our gifts and talents can change the world, how we have a MISSION in life-and not just in this life, but in our pre-mortal life and in the life to come. 
(Here is another cool video, but I couldn't attach it, so hopefully the link works:
I love it when he says: "Women bring with them into the world a certain virtue, a divine gift that makes them adept at instilling such qualities as faith, courage, empathy, and refinement in relationships and in cultures."  I think that as both women and men we should strive to develop in ourselves and help others have those same attributes, in all that we say, do and think.

It's really hard to do.  I catch myself many times speaking to a sibling in a way that I know I'll regret later, or even when I am with my friends! I am almost always wondering if I said something that offended someone, or I wonder what someone thinks of me now that I said or did something. And most importantly, if the Savior had been there, would I have doe it? 
Many times I am very much impatient. Sometimes I do not have the courage to do what is right until it is too late, and I sometimes have a hard time trying to understand people's feelings and situations.  But I try.  I am trying really hard to think before I speak and to just Choose The Right no matter what and to to see others as the Savior would see them.  And when I do those things, at least do my best to do them I am able to feel closer to the Savior and have His Spirit's guidance and strength with me more-and boy do I need that!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Amazing Ancestors

Today I am at a Family History Center (AKA "Paradise!") and having a pretty good time. I am having a rough time finding out some info on a few people, but I am finding some. Family History is amazing.  I LOVE IT! I work on it A TON. I love getting to know my ancestors and find out all about the things they loved to do and what struggles or amazing moments they had.  We have so much in common!  For instance, one of my great grandfathers loved to read, design, build, whistle and draw and it wasn't until recently that I found all that out.  I have grown up just knowing that he was more or less a "war hero" but I have never known him personally at all.  One day I was able to speak with some family members who knew him, look at lots of old records and trinkets of his, and I actually began feeling like he was in the room.  He became a part of me (or visa versa) in a way that I have never really known before.  He became a person, with feelings, passions, a family, faith, fear, a smile: my grandpa, not just a name!

I am so grateful for family and for ancestors and all that I can learn from them, and for their protection of me. I really think that my ancestors are my guardian angels and I even think they help influence what I love to do. I mean, I love to draw! I love to whistle! I love to read! My grandpa could have been great friends if we had lived at the same time, but I also believe that now we are definitely friends in spirit. I can hardly wait to be able to meet him (and so many others) one day in a great big family reunion in Heaven! Wouldn't that just be amazing?!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Awesome Video

This is an amazing video.  I have felt such darkness and confusion before, maybe in different ways, but I KNOW that our Heavenly Father WILL NOT allow darkness to remain in our souls if we truly seek light. I have felt His light many times and can bear witness of it.  "Seek and ye shall find." (Matthew 7:7)
(Here is another link for it:
(Oh, and if you need to look at the words in the video, they can be found here:

Special Siblings

Yesterday my family went to the store.  It was rather eventful and I was having a bit of a hard time with my sister.  We went out to the car to eat lunch and before we went back in we had a chance to start fresh: she said she would do her best to listen to me and be calm and I said that I would do my best to be patient and listen to her more.  We went back in and before long I found that we were laughing and smiling with each other.  I let her read the labels of fruits and veggies and find what she thought were the best ones. She listened to me in what I thought and we got along just grandly. I even pulled the end while she stood on the cart, I usually get frustrated when she does that, but because I was so happy and I was trying to be patient I was able to be the kind of big sister I've always hoped I could be.

Today when we got home from the dentist one of my brothers was helping me clean the kitchen and we were talking and we got to talking about "20, 000 Leagues Under The Sea" which got us into sunken ships.  So a few minutes later I was able to be sitting at the table with him studying the Titanic-drawing, reading, writing facts, using a measuring tape to see comparisons of our house and the the ship.  I am so glad that I was able to use that opportunity to be able to spend quality time with him.  (And I got a brush-up on my history!).

I love my siblings! I am so grateful to have some. They are so wonderful, and thoughtful of me.

Daunting Dentists and Grateful Greetings

Today I went to the dentist. (dun, dun, dun) This is one place I usually DISLIKE going. Very much.  I won't go into everything, just that the thing I usually dislike the most is the metal toothpick (oh, the chills!). I hate the scraping on my teeth.  It's like listening to nails on a chalkboard, to me.  Anyway, we get to the dentist and I see a lady sitting there on the couch and I get this little feeling like I should maybe try sitting next to her.
But, of course my mind started saying, "But she's got earphones in.  I don't really know how to start a conversation with her.  She'll think I'm totally weird. It could go all wrong because of this and that." So I sat down somewhere else.  I was thinking out some more excuses when her daughter came out and they left.  I had missed an opportunity!  It's so hard to act on impressions.  Usually things work out fine in what would seem like a very awkward situation, but fear keeps me back.  I'm so silly sometimes!

I was the second one in my family to go back.  Instead of acting all timid and frightened today, though, I decided to be friendly.  I tried to talk cheerfully and comply willingly.  And I tried to keep my mouth open extra long instead of having to swallow every five seconds.  I noticed that the lady's scrub shirt was pretty cute and worked up the courage to tell her so. "Oh, thanks!" She responded.  She was super gentle on my teeth today (Hallelujah!) and even though I didn't tell her that, I did at least mention it to my mom.  There was another assistant that came in a little later. I noticed that she had hurt her wrist.  I asked her about it and were able to talk a bit.

Talking about talking, yesterday I was at the temple.  I had brought some family names to do work for and had to wait a little longer than and few people.  There was a lady who had brought in a 3 names to do and we ended up sitting next to each other.  Before I even could think of something to say she said hello and began talking about my name and how she loved it. We were courteous to each other ("You can go first") and smiled at each other whenever we passed each other.  The last time I saw her (before she left) we felt like friends.  I love it when within such a short amount of time I can make friends with someone! I am so glad that she was outgoing enough to say hello to me.  She really made my day!  Thank you, sister!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Gifts Galore

Hi Everyone!  I'm Deepnita (Just in case you are wondering what in the world that name means, it means "Light and Happiness")! I am super excited to start this blog. Really. So, here is my first post:
As human beings we have so many gifts, opportunities and talents (even some that we ourselves do not even recognize)!  We have the power to BECOME. We have the power to help CHANGE ourselves and others.  We have the power to be HAPPY.  I heard a saying recently: "M. O. M. : Make Opportunities Matter" and it has stuck with me.  We have so many opportunities to become better people and make a difference for good. So...why don't we always take advantage of it?  (Among the common language of "Teens" now-a-days: "I'm too lazy." (groan)" I just don't want to." "I'll fail-epically!" "Who cares?" "But it takes so much effort!" "I've got so much to do." "I'm tired-more tired than I've ever been before.")  Okay, maybe we don't think that way, or, at least all the time.  I think the biggest reason is probably that we don't recognize that:
  • We have an opportunity
  • We have the power to make a difference in the situation
  • We have gifts, most of which are completely unique!
  • What gifts we have
  • We are being watched, listened to, etc. (i.e. by our peers, people we don't think are watching)
  • Everyone is important-just as important as ourselves
  • Who we really are
  • We have a goal in our existence (hopefully we have one...if not, better find it!), that everyone else has one and that our choices make a difference, they effect ourselves and everyone else
If we did recognize all those, whew! The world would be a completely different place, don't you think? 
So, I have made a goal to try to recognize those things in my own life.  This will hopefully reflect in my dress, language, thoughts, music and other media I put in/take out of my life, the way I treat myself, my family and others, and other aspects of my life. I believe that as I try to live with those "recognitions" in mind that I'll be able to have better self-esteem and happiness and a more fulfilled life.